English Social Studies Department
The study of history, geography, economics, and Moral Education is the study of humanity, of people and events that have individually and collectively shaped our nation and the world. A strong and effective social studies program helps students make sense of the world in which they live, allows them to make connections between major ideas and their own lives, and helps them see themselves as active members of a global community.
While knowledge of content is very important, it is equally important to engage our students in historical and geographical thinking. Students engaged and challenged to think like historians, geographers and economists, raise questions, think critically, consider many perspectives and gather evidence in support of their interpretations as they draw upon chronological thinking and decision-making. These are the skills that will serve them well as participating citizens of UAE community.
The ESST Department is a comprehensive resource that integrates the UAE ministry of education standards, and the Social Studies American common core standards (C3 Framework).
Each yearly course of study is organized around a suggested time frame for core content (units of study) guided by essential questions. Teachers use the core content to focus on planning coherent instruction that considers relevant skills, practices and knowledge objectives for deep material understanding.
For students in grades K-12, the social studies content is integrated with the C3 Framework by utilizing the standards for reading informational text, writing informational text, speaking/listening and language standards and the standards for Literacy in History, Geography, Civics and Economy.
The ESST Dep. Of SAIS-UAQ aims to make Geography lessons exciting and memorable for students by employing Extracurricular activities, Projects, Researches, Journals, PowerPoint, Films, Maps, Drawings, Pictures, and Experiments. And to integrate technology and other sciences into Geography like Physics, Mathematics, GIS, GPS, we are looking to have young Geographers in our classes.